Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays!
Last year, The Eye Clinic worked with in conjunction with The Close Fund for Teaching Nurses as well as several organizations to provide glasses for children in Utah’s Navajoland. It was/is such a valuable program; we did it again this year. The goal of the “The Dr Bill and Tine Close Hozhoni * Glasses and Reading Program * Walk in Beauty” is to keep children with vision problems from falling behind in school. We worked together with West Valley Healthcare (a Utah organization that did the screening), Twin City Optical (Billings lab that made the lenses), Scott Smallwood (A&A Optical providing discounted frames) and Sue in our optical department to finish the process to be sure these children received quality glasses to correct their vision problems. Over 100 pairs of glasses were sent out before Thanksgiving. Soon they will be reading “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” with a brand-new pair of glasses!
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Since many of our employees have friends and/or family serving overseas, our Clinic joined forces to send Christmas stockings filled with goodies/necessities to our troops overseas. We received a wish list from a pastor we have worked with in coordinating Dr. LaGreca’s medical missions to Mexico. This pastor is now serving as a chaplain and it was his wish to provide all in his unit with Christmas stockings. We spent a Friday afternoon stuffing these stockings with necessities and treats. Because of the need to conserve space, we became very creative in our choices—the stockings were athletic socks (one inside the other), stuffed to the max and tied with hair ties (for our ladies serving over there) and ornaments. It was a great time proving that there is “more happiness in giving than receiving”.
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A few of our employees also helped a local radio station KCTR – Cat Country with their Flakes Giving drive to provide over 1,500 Thanksgiving Meals for those less fortunate in the Billings area.
In the spirit of giving during the month of December we are collecting for The Billings Food Bank. If you would like to donate a non-perishable food item please drop it off in our optical shop…. We’ll be giving a 10% discount up to $100 off your optical purchase as a thank you from us for donating.